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Forum - My Ron Paul Saturday night on Twitter.

A cautionary tale of what happens when you criticize the great RP.

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MuertosPosted: Aug 28, 2011 - 12:09

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original
So yesterday afternoon I was browsing Twitter on my phone and saw that Roger Ebert, one of the all-time most popular Twitter celebs, posted a link to the story reporting Ron Paul's take on Hurricane Irene--namely that he doesn't give a crap about any of the victims and wants to go back to 1900 when the federal government wasn't in the business of disaster relief.

I re-tweeted the link with my own comment: "#RonPaul doesn't give a rat's ass about hurricane victims. Real compassionate, Paultards!"

This was about 4:00 yesterday afternoon. Naturally a number of them responded to defend their god. Many of them seem to be conspiracy theorists. For example one fellow with the handle "OWNTheNWO" replied:

RonPaul knows that the states are far more likely to give a rats ass about their own victims than some unelected bureaucracy

Perhaps unwisely, I chose to argue with a few of these people. I made the claim that Ron Paul is a racist and that he is certainly a conspiracy theorist (he believes that global warming is a hoax, for instance). This really angered the Paultards. The @ replies are still coming in more than 16 hours later, stuff like:

LOL! #RonPaul A racist that's for ending the most institutionalized form of racism in this country since segregation? you're funny

much better ways than gems, his constituents in galveston will tell u the same.did u forget fema in Katrina?

#RonPaul a conspiracy theorist? LOL again! What does that even mean anymore. Overused pseudo-pejorative of the decade.

you do realize one of Dr.Paul's mentors is Jewish right?=LudwigVonMises. The CIA sells drugs, look it up!

as for racism, this is from an old smear campaign. Show me how this is true & I will emphatically concede

The angry replies continued even after I went to bed. When I got up this morning I had 8 more of them. It's really astonishing how vehement the Paultards get when they're defending their icon.

The moral here: if you criticize Ron Paul on the Internet, expect an overwhelming wave of vituperative retaliation. It's really amazing to see this lemming-like behavior, and how they respond in such perfect lockstep.
#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Aug 28, 2011 - 12:13

Level: 5
CS Original
They coordinate poll spams on their forums as well as spam responding to "hit pieces".
#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Aug 28, 2011 - 12:21

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original
Wow, so perfect. CIA selling drugs (without a source, just 'look it up!'), a NWO believer, someone trying to use the Katrina argument for how FEMA works now, the phrase 'conspiracy theorist' is overused, one of Paul's mentors is Jewish (wut does that even mean), and lots of non-sequitors.

Well done, Paultards! Keep seeing Paul as God.
#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Evil ElvisPosted: Aug 30, 2011 - 03:55


Level: 1
CS Original
every pharmacist in the world sells drugs so why shouldn't CIA be pushing aspirin in their cafeteria. these libertarian shitheads need to chill out and worry about ma made earthquakes and secret level in world of warcraft where only illuminati are allowed.
#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
shamsham1090Posted: Sep 02, 2011 - 00:53

Level: 0
I'm supporting Paul for their gop nomination.

At the same time I'm on the internet talking to these guys that into this conspiracy crap. I tell them to drop the crap and tell why they're wrong with their paranoia. Ive had some success. Don't plan to get through to all of them. Good thing they're not the majority.

Thanks a lot Alex Jones!!!! You bacon voiced bone head!!!
#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Sep 02, 2011 - 01:05

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original
Well, good luck ShamSham. You will be labeled a shill, a disinformation agent and be accused of being paid to advance the NWO agenda. Because that's what most Ron Paul supporters believe. Sorry to say, they ARE in the majority.

Does it not bother you that the candidate you profess to support attracts these sorts of people?

In fairness I'm glad you don't believe the conspiracy crap, but honestly I can't help thinking you're on a sinking ship. It has also been my experience that most rational people who profess to support Ron Paul change their minds when they look behind his media/supporter-driven image and start delving into what he really believes, which 99.9% of people find extremely unsavory. It's sort of like Zeitgeist--there are a few and far-between supporters who aren't nutbars, but they usually give it up when they realize that, as well as they mean, they can't outshout the nutbars.
#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
shamsham1090Posted: Sep 02, 2011 - 01:40

Level: 0
Quote from Muertos

Well, good luck ShamSham. You will be labeled a shill, a disinformation agent and be accused of being paid to advance the NWO agenda. Because that's what most Ron Paul supporters believe. Sorry to say, they ARE in the majority.

Does it not bother you that the candidate you profess to support attracts these sorts of people?

I've occasionally been called that. Not as often as i thought i would.
Anyone can AstroTurf on the internet. Under the Fox News website articles in 08 i read the most racist comments from Mccain supporters about Obama. But that doesn't represent McCain's base, Those are just racists that are saying what they feel and saying it where they can say it anonymously that they would never dare say in public.

It's kind of like what Bill Maher once said: It's not true, that all Republicans are racist. That would be silly and wrong. But nowadays if you are racist, you are probably a Republican.

Chomsky has got the same problem with a support from the left wing base of 911 crowd. I like both Chomsky and Paul. i support them for their positions and they have no control over who supports them.
#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Sep 03, 2011 - 00:35

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original
Well, I did it again (criticized Ron Paul on Twitter). Most of the responses tonight came from a self-professed 9/11 Truther. He wouldn't answer when I asked him whether he thought the Holocaust was real. Nevertheless, every response tonight was obviously from a hard-core CT'er.

I remain to be convinced that Ron Paul has any legitimate base outside of CT or woo circles.
#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Sep 03, 2011 - 01:33

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
There isn't a single Ron Paul fan who does not believe in stupid shit, because Ron Paul is stupid shit.
#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
scitopsPosted: Sep 03, 2011 - 12:37

Level: 4
CS Original
While Ron Paul is a nut, are there any serious Republican Party contenders for any office who aren't nuts or pander heavily to them? Lets look at likely GOP presidential nominee Rick Perry. He doesn't believe in evolution, said the usual ct nonsense about Ben Bernanke, has racist ministers hold a prayer conference for him. Michelle Bachmann, please. In my state's own elections this year when the Democrats accidentally nominated an even crazier candidate for agriculture commissioner, the Republican went an hired a lady who runs a blog promoting cts to be his campaign spokesperson to prove he was the true candidate for nuts. The GOP candidate for scretary of state is a birther who thinks allowing homeless vets to vote is a plot by ACORN.

A final observation I have noticed is that while both parties have nominated nuts, the Democrats tend to shun those kind of candidates while the Republicans hold fundraisers for them.
#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]