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Hate Mail - Your theory on the RFID impossibility

Sender: Gareld D. <>
Subject: Your theory on the RFID impossibility
Type: Corrections
Added: Feb 02, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

I find many of the ideals in your debunking site to have some credibility and value as resources for seperating the garbage from the fact....and for that I am greatful....I did eventually come to an area of disaggreement with your ideal on the difficulty of implenting an RFID your theory you base the time and cost of the wetwork,software, and hardware setup as being from scratch...the fact of the matter is that there are a few states openly attempting to activate RFID systems at this very moment...foremost of these states being texas, while texas' rfid system isnt a bio-implant and is merely an addition to their current drivers license, the wetwork for these chips is already exsistant, at least in the most basic form....RFID is a reality for base location monitoring world wide, as we currently use the RFID technology to "tag" our pets, major corproations have been rolling around the idea of integrating these chips for use in commercial transactions for over a decade....not sure if you remember the the IBM commecial....was probably back in the late 90's where the guy in the trench coat is walking around a super market stuff things into his pockets, and as he walks out a blue grid of lasers scans his body, then a police officer approaches him and says "Excuse me sir!" the man turns around startled and the officer says "you forgot your receipt". let's not play coy and are just as guilty to some degree in seeing something because you believe is the problem with claim that the RFID network is put it nicely...naivity...or pure ignorance at I said before the basic technology for the RFID grid has already been implemented in some way in the vast majority of buildings all across the nation and merely requires some inexpensive and quick tweaking to convert from...say "reading a magnetic strip on a card" or something like "reading a transmitter box on your car windshield to pay a toll automatically (florida sunpass)" to being able to "recieve radio transmitted frequency id code". the fact of the matter is that "debunking" is conspiring....everything is a conspiracy...whether you believe that 9/11 was an inside job or you believe the taliban conspired to attack the u.s. The problem with giving a certain action or thought process a name is that you can use this "proper title" to generalize and classify a wide range of interests that share similar ideals and discredit them by slandering the call me a conspiracy theorist...I call you a conspiracy theorist....fact of the matter matter which side of the fence you're believe in conspiracies and so do I.

[ Note: I removed this guy's info because he wasn't that hostile. ]

>> the fact of the matter is that there are a few states openly attempting to activate RFID systems at this very moment

But how many of those systems literally track and log people everywhere they go?

>> foremost of these states being texas, while texas' rfid system isnt a bio-implant and is merely an addition to their current drivers license, the wetwork for these chips is already exsistant, at least in the most basic form.

Yes, for scanning, but can you be tracked with a satellite with it? Not really.

>> RFID is a reality for base location monitoring world wide, as we currently use the RFID technology to "tag" our pets, major corproations have been rolling around the idea of integrating these chips for use in commercial transactions for over a decade

But just like RFID tags in licenses, if I lose my pet he has to be scanned for it, it won't just automatically track him and he'll appear on some grid some place where I can zero in on him and see where he's gone. This is what conspiracy theorists [the ones that believe in the RFID-to-watch-everyone conspiracy] say is coming or is already being implemented, the point of my paper is that it's much more difficult than that.

>> not sure if you remember the the IBM commecial....was probably back in the late 90's where the guy in the trench coat is walking around a super market stuff things into his pockets, and as he walks out a blue grid of lasers scans his body, then a police officer approaches him and says "Excuse me sir!" the man turns around startled and the officer says "you forgot your receipt".

Yes, I remember it. Currently RFID tags are used to keep people from stealing at most major stores, and many libraries as well. It takes a leap of imagination to say this is a step towards tracking everyone on Earth.

I'm not sure if you remember (I'm not sure how old you are in any case) but in the 1980s people like Pat Robertson and people from the John Birch Society were making the exact same claims as the RFID tag conspiracy theorists, except it was about bar codes, then they went on to claim the same about eye scanning technology (which didn't work out and turned out to be more complicated than we thought it would be), and also the thumb scanner craze that also didn't work out as well, and nothing happened with that and when nothing happens with RFID tags in the same manner then they'll claim it with the next technology. Why? Because it's a part of the evangelical belief system that such a technology is coming and when it does, it will be used by the anti-Christ. I've never seen a conspiracy theorist actually admit their whole theory and fear of it originates from this, as prior to conspiracies becoming pop-culture starting in the early 2000s nobody but evangelicals and a few others believed it at all.

>> let's not play coy and are just as guilty to some degree in seeing something because you believe is the problem with claim that the RFID network is put it nicely...naivity...or pure ignorance at I said before the basic technology for the RFID grid has already been implemented in some way in the vast majority of buildings all across the nation and merely requires some inexpensive and quick tweaking to convert from...say "reading a magnetic strip on a card" or something like "reading a transmitter box on your car windshield to pay a toll automatically (florida sunpass)" to being able to "recieve radio transmitted frequency id code".

Prove that it's in the "vast majority of buildings" -- in fact I would bet most buildings don't at all, considering not all buildings are Wal-Mart or libraries. Also the detection systems, such as for theft, don't often log anything, just detect whether or not the chip is active. It'd be far more difficult than you think. Plus you'd have to assume that nobody's overwritten their own RFID tag, as they aren't read-only, but anyone can write to it with the proper technology. How do you quickly tweak something to stop reading magnetic strip and instead read RFID? I wouldn't jump to conclusions and call others ignorant. Meanwhille I'm going to go convert my bicycle to a motorcycle with some quick tweaks.

>> the fact of the matter is that "debunking" is conspiring....everything is a conspiracy...whether you believe that 9/11 was an inside job or you believe the taliban conspired to attack the u.s.

While that is true, when I say "conspiracy theorist" everyone knows what I mean. They know I don't mean every person who looks into anything at all, they know I mean individuals who make leaps in logic and create bizarre connections in order to prove a theory that regardless of opposing evidence they likely always will believe.

>> I call you a conspiracy theorist

And holocaust deniers also claim they're just "skeptics" too, but I actually require evidence in order for something to be proven, conspiracy theorists don't, they work backwards from a predetermined conclusion. You think (as far as I can tell) that RFID tags will be used to track people, and so you work backwards to justify that point. Instead I see no real evidence of that and await it, I also think the evidence should reconcile with all the previous predictions regarding tracking people and why they didn't work out. If "they" are going to implement it soon, then they thought of it back then, so why didn't they?

If you want to discuss this further, please don't email me (though you can email me to talk about a completely different topic), instead post here:


or better yet (This site has actual engineers, scientists, etc as members)

You're not the first person to try to argue about the RFID system, so I don't want to start over with something that's been done before and this way you can easily have others see what you're saying.

- Edward