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Predictions - Mass UFO sightings over Moscow and London

Submitted By: Sil the Shill
Author: Stanley A. Fulham
Status: Never happened
Source: Link
Predicted: December 8, 2010
Happens: January 2011


UFO's set to appear in mass sightings over Moscow and New York. According to Fulham, "UFOs will suddenly show up in January over the skies of Moscow and then will continue to pop up over the next few weeks in other locations worldwide in an effort to demonstrate to mankind that aliens do exist." Following this, "the next place they will show up is over the skies of London, where they will stay long enough for several witnesses to see them, then move on to other countries where they will again be seen by many witnesses. He claims it will be one of the most interesting and life enhancing UFO events of all time."


Fulham was wrong about his last prediction, something tells me he'll be wrong about this one too.