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Alex Jones - The Obama Deception - Page 19

Author: Edward L Winston
Added: August 18th, 2009

This is page nineteen of my discussion on the Alex Jones film The Obama Deception. If you were linked here by mistake, please refer to page one of this article, which contains the introduction.

Everyone is pointing to Barack right now, President Obama, and saying, "Ya gotta get the economy together, ya gotta get the economy together." when in fact, the President has very little to do with the economy. It's the Federal Reserve Chairman that at least sets the policy. That's a privately owned company, the Federal Reserve Bank. They set the agenda.

Wrong again, and the Chairman is appointed by the president, requires a senate confirmation, is subject to a 4 year term, and has congressional and presidential oversight[351]. That doesn't sound very "private" to me.

[Alex Jones]
These guys are masquerading as a federal institution. They are a private banking consortium and this is their front, their holding company. The Federal Reserve is not federal. It's a front for a private banking cartel. That's on record, congressional testimony, and they're the ones orchestrating the economic collapse we're seeing right now. So that's why we're here.

Again, public bank, private assets. Apparently Jones has this on the record, but he's not going to talk about that congressional testimony.

[Alex Jones]
While at the "End the Fed" rally outside the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, Texas, we spoke with Ron Paul's brother, Wayne Paul.

Alex Jones is always looking for experts.

[Wayne Paul, Brother of Rep. Ron Paul]
1913, The Federal Reserve Act was passed. Floor of the House, where three members of Congress were on the floor. At that time, they only needed a majority of votes to pass it. So in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. 

Did he just blatantly lie or does he really not know anything about history? Actually, there were 358 people on that day, and 76 weren't voting, the Federal Reserve Act passed with 298 nays to 60 nays, so even if the 76 were there, it would have still be a large majority[352]. The next day the Senate passed it 43 yeas to 25 nays, with 27 not voting - the record shows that almost all of those not voting previously declared their intentions and were paired with members of the opposite intentions[353].

20 years later, in 1933, under Roosevelt, the United States was declared bankrupt. And in 1933, the Federal Reserve Private Bank says, "Okay, USA, what are you gonna pledge as collateral on the debt you owe me?" What happened by 1936? Does anybody know?

They had us loo...

[Wayne Paul]
We instituted Social Security system, and you and I, and our children, and our children's children were pledged as collateral on the debt of our government to the Federal Reserve. And that's where we're at today. It took 20 years to make this country bankrupt and since then our government has operated under emergency powers of our government. It is not the President that makes the decision in this country. It's the Secretary of Treasury who turns around and is put in there by the Federal Reserve to manage the bankruptcy. We've been in bankruptcy ever since. So, to print 700 billion dollars and to give it away, how do they get away with it? The manager of the bankruptcy is told by the Federal Reserve, "This is the way to go." That's where we're at today.

I don't think he understands how the Great Depression occurred or Social Security system works, it has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve or the imaginary debt it magically created the day it became law. 

"Our government has operated under emergency powers of our government", interesting scenario.

[Alex Jones]
Yes, we should point out, Congressman Ron Paul now has a huge amount of sponsors for a bill in the House of Representatives to abolish the private Federal Reserve crime syndicate.

And every time he tries to get it passed, nobody gives a shit:

HR 1148
Sponsor: Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14] (introduced 3/17/1999) Cosponsors (None)[355]

HR 833
Sponsor: Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14] (introduced 2/3/2009) Cosponsors (None)[354]

[Dennis Kucinich]
In 1913, the money power of the country was taken away from the people. By Constitutional privilege, it belongs with the Congress, but it was given up in the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve is no more "federal" than Federal Express. But yet, it has the power to determine the direction of use of money in our economy. If we could take that power back and put the Federal Reserve under Treasury, we start to be in a position of being able to control monetary policy on behalf of the United States people.

How does someone so incredibly stupid and ignorant about our economy become so well known for "defending" it?

[Alex Jones]
The Federal Reserve is totally private and Alan Greenspan, two weeks ago on PBS, on Lehrer News Hour, said, on record that they are above the law, the Congress, the President, everyone. No court can do anything. We run America.

[Jim Lehrer]
What is the, uh, proper relationship? What should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a President of the United States?

[Alan Greenspan]
Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place, and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don't frankly matter.

Alan Greenspan did not correctly give the context. When it comes to day to day operations the Federal Reserve does have oversight from congress, but it can make its own policy as well. However, adding complexity to the whole situation, in order to keep the government from being able to exploit the money supply, the Federal Reserve is able to adjust interest rates and the like, as well as being able to loan to the government, and the government cannot force them to do these things. While this may sound kind of strange and illogical, it's to keep the government from being able to directly exploit the money supply, but also give congress oversight of the company that controls it. Essentially the context was more or less "what power does the president have in monetary policy"[219b]. You can read more about the Federal Reserve in my NWO section. 

[Webster Tarpley]
Notice what Greenspan is saying. Greenspan is saying the Federal Reserve is beyond the law. And in reality, they are, in practice, beyond the law. Nobody, as far as I know, has ever audited the Federal Reserve. One of the first things we ought to do when we nationalize the Fed, is go in there and find out the audit. Who stole money? Who engaged in corruption? There's a whole series of people going back to Volker, to Greenspan, to Bernanke, uh, and so forth.

He never says that. He wants an investigation, but he already is convinced people have done something wrong. Interesting concept.

[Alex Jones]
Think of the arrogance! A private group of banks that have bankrupted the nation by design so they can repo the country. A private group of banks that loaned us our own money back are telling us they're above the law. You are not above the law, criminals! No one is above the law! No one is above the law, and the private Federal Reserve sure as hell ain't either.

Alex Jones hears what he wants to hear.

[Webster Tarpley]
Since the founding of the Federal Reserve back under Woodrow Wilson, the Federal Reserve has struck out three times. They didn't stop the crash of 1929, they didn't stop the banking panic of 1930-1933, and now they are the cause of the derivatives crisis because they're the ones who inflicted derivatives on the world with Alan Greenspan.

Interestingly enough it didn't stop the Panics of:

  • 1857; caused a recession [356]
  • 1873; caused a recession [357]
  • 1884; gold reserves depleted, whoops! [358]
  • 1890; acute depression [359]
  • 1893; economic depression [360]
  • 1896; acute economic depression [361]
  • 1901; stock market crash; recession [362]
  • 1907; stock market crash; recession [363]
  • 1910-1911; slight economic depression [364]

The Federal Reserve probably didn't stop them because it didn't exist; and the US had the glorious gold standard, as well as lack of central banking.

If the Federal Reserve has struck out 3 times, that means that the lack of a Federal Reserve has struck out 9 times. Man oh man, the more they talk about removing the Federal Reserve, the more appealing it seems!

On a side note, those gaps in the years in the list were when we had a central bank.

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