This is page three in my hijackers section of my series on the September 11th terrorist attacks. If you were linked here by mistake, please refer to page one in this section.
There's no real evidence that the terrorists were actually on the planes
Here we can review the various pieces of evidence:
The evidence that the hijackers were on the planes is overwhelming and conclusive. The evidence itself is from different sources and studies, all of which complement each other.
(Contributed by Dave Sorensen)
The phone calls from the planes were faked, likely by voice morphing technology
Voice morphing technology has been proposed by conspiracy theorists to account for the phone calls that went through that day. The technology does exist, but there are some problems here. For starts, "the technology requires a "10-minute digital recording"[62]. Also some of the phone calls came from passengers who were at the last minute added to the flights because of previously cancellations. So this really shuts down the notion because:
The phone calls alone prove that terrorists (and by extension the passengers) were on the planes, but so does all of the other converging evidence.
(Contributed by Dave Sorensen)
Shafig bin Laden was meeting with George H W Bush, and the Carlyle Group the morning of 9/11
I can find no sources of such an event -- that is sources that do not occur on conspiracy web sites themselves. If the event did take place, it is not surprising, considering Osama bin Laden has many, many family members, something on the order of 54 brothers and sisters alone -- most of which have completely disowned him. Many also own or are a part of major businesses, construction companies, oil companies, etc, so it is not very surprising that rich business men meet with rich business men -- believe it or not, it is a very common occurrence[22].
This section covers conspiracy theories related to Osama bin Laden himself.
Various videos of Osama bin Laden show different men, who may look similar, but have different complexions. The video with Osama bin Laden confessing to the September 11th attacks, really is a CIA operative.
The video that confesses to the attacks on September 11th, 2001 containing Osama bin Laden is said to be fake? Can you guess which one?
Video #3 is said to be another person. I did brighten up the picture a bit to see if I could get a better look, but you could barely see. However, I watched it when it was originally on television and there was no doubt then who it was. The picture above it does not look like another person, sure the video is much darker, but as you can tell in videos #1, #2, and #4 he is outside in the daylight, and if anyone has ever used a home video camera inside in low light, it is very dark. Regardless of whether or not you want to believe a darker contrast is a different person, it simply is the same person in all videos.
Some argue that it is a CIA agent / sponsored actor, but the problem is, if the CIA was behind it, why would they get someone who is "darker" and does not look like bin Laden -- especially when they have associates of bin Laden in the "fake video" that look exactly like the correct people -- why do such a poor job on bin Laden? Especially with modern computers?